The Chairman of the Police Service Commission, Alhaji Musiliu Smith, a retired Inspector General of Police, today, Friday, November 2nd, 2018, received in audience, the National Co-ordinator of SERVICOM, Mrs.Nnenna Akajemeli who came on advocacy visit, accompanied by four of her senior staff, to appeal to the Commission to ensure among other things, that citizen-focused service delivery is implemented in the Nigeria Police Force and Police Service Commission.
Alhaji Smith took the opportunity of the visit to announce that following discussion with the Inspector-General of Police, Joint Monitoring Teams comprising staff of the Commission and officers of the Nigeria Police Force will soon start to undertake periodic surprise visits to Police Stations nationwide.
The Chairman said the new Management of the Commission is aware of what it takes to have an efficient service delivery in the Police, stressing that the Commission would ensure that very soon service delivery in the Nigeria Police Force will be effective, efficient and citizen focused.
He further noted the determination of the Commission to closely monitor recruitment of personnel into the Nigeria Police Force to ensure that newly recruited Officers are properly trained to relate well with the public, to be focused, always neat and operate within the confines of the law.
On Discipline, he said the Commission will always ensure that disciplinary matters were speedily disposed off, adding that the Commission will use its powers to dismiss, reduce etc, fearlessly and fairly to serve as examples to all personnel.
Mrs. Akajemeli had earlier in her speech emphasised the fact that government is about the people. According to her; “the quality of governance is determined by the quality of services delivered to citizens and the extent to which these services meet their needs and expectations”.
The National Coordinator said that since public service is the only contact that most citizens have with government, SERVICOM according to her, therefore focuses on improving the quality of that contact by working with Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to ensure effective service delivery”


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