Mr. Ikechukwu Ani Louis



  • The Unit strives to increase public awareness about the Commission through media coverage, press conferences, public hearing, retreats, interviews, “story pitches”, and other strategies;
  • Gathering and verifying information on the Police and the Commission’s activities;
  • Drafts media releases, interview techniques and provides advice on protocol for visits to the Commission by visitors and media representatives;
  • It moderates comments by members of staff when they are encouraged to speak to the media on issues relating to their area of duties or specialization;
  • Providing advice on media and public relations issues;
  • Ensuring the Commission responds to news media inquiries in a timely, honest and cooperative way;
  • Issuing Press Releases;
  • Developing and maintaining a media contact list and ensuring a cordial relationship between the Commission and the media;
  • Keeping staff abreast of activities of interest to the Commission;
  • Managing, regulating and implementing the Freedom of Information Act as requested by the Attorney- General of the Federation and Minister of Justice; and’
  • Performing any other duties as may be assigned by the Permanent Secretary/Secretary to the Commission.
  • The Unit also hosts the Commission’s desk for;

    • External communication
    • Internal communication
    • Freedom of information and
    • INEC Liaison